The EXOshell is a lightweight minimum volume spacesuit designed for recreational, touristic, scientific, repairing or even sports purposes. Allowing a relatively short period of time to flow in open space. This spacesuit has a set of front/rear directional thrust emitters and automatic navigation system for safe return to the station in case of inexperienced astrodivers getting lost in space.
Base idea was that in the near future, open space will become a common touristic destination, same as traveling to the snowy mountains for skiing or to the sea side for surfing - visiting an asteroid passing by Earth might be one of the most fun and memorable journeys in life. We will need a comfortable, reliable and secure outfit. What if all the necessary in a spacesuit can be reduced to a shape of a neoprene surfing costume with additional helmet, a jet pack and unlimited amount of oxygen generated by the technology of the future.
Update_01 - added an image to explain shoulder articulation